Seminaria w 2008
David Jenkins (University of York), "Nuclear structure input to Nuclear Astrophysics" (6.03.2008)
Faical Azaiez (IPN Orsay), "Shell structure evolution in atomic nuclei" (7.03.2008)
Valery Pugatch (Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research), "R&D status with Microstrip Metal Detectors application for the beam-profile monitoring as well as for the mass-spectrometry" (14.05.2008)
Pushpendra P. Singh (IUAC, New Delhi, India), "Probing of incomplete fusion dynamics at energies 4-7 MeV/nucleon" (8.09.2008)
Data utworzenia: 15/10/2009 @ 13:33
Ostatnie zmiany: 21/11/2017 @ 09:45
Kategoria : Seminaria
Strona czytana 870 razy