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Publikacje - Publikacje za rok 2000
  1. S.P. Avdeyev, (A. Budzanowski, W. Karcz, M. Janicki) et al.,
    Multifragmentation of Gold Nuclei by Relativistic Ions - Thermal Break-Up Versus Dynamic Disintegration,
    JINR Dubna preprint, E1-2000-152 (2000);
  2. S.P. Avdeyev, (A. Budzanowski, W. Karcz, M. Janicki) et al.,
    Collective Flow in Multifragmentation Induced by Relativistic Helium and Carbon Ions,
    Part. Nuclei, Lett., 2[99] (2000) 62;
  3. S.P. Avdeyev, (A. Budzanowski, W. Karcz, M. Janicki) et al.,
    Transition from Thermal Break-Up to Dynamical Disintegration in Multifragmentation of Gold Induced by Light Relativistic Projectiles,
    Technische Universitat Darmstadt preprint, IKDA 2000/09 (2000);
  4. J. Baszkiewicz, (B. Rajchel, A. Adamski) et al.,
    Investigation of the Ca-P-O Layer Created by Dual Beam IBAD Method for Anticorrosive Protection of the Ti Surface (in Polish),
    IFJ Report, 1863/AP (2000);
  5. B. Bergues, (J. Lekki, M. Lekka) et al.,
    Phase Separation in Polymer Blend Thin Films Cast on Homogenous Substrates Modified by Self-Assembled Monolayers,
    Abstr. of 20th Int. Seminar on Surface Physics, (poster), Kudowa Zdrój, Poland, 19-24 June 2000, p. 67;
  6. D.C. Biswas, (B. Fornal) et al.,
    Study of the Mo-Ba Partition in 252Cf Spontaneous Fission,
    Eur. Phys. J. A, 7 (2000) 189;
  7. A. Bracco, (A. Maj, M. Kmiecik) et al.,
    The Rotational γ-Continuum in the Mass Region A ~ 110,
    Nucl. Phys. A, 673 (2000) 64;
  8. A. Bracco, (A. Maj, M. Kmiecik, J. Styczeń, M. Ziębliński) et al.,
    Search for the GDR Built on Superdeformed Nuclei,
    Physica Scripta, T88 (2000) 182;
  9. H. Bräuning, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Enhanced Surface Effects in Multiple Electron Capture from C-Targets by 46 MeV/u Pb81+ Ions,
    Abstr. of Tenth Int. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, (HCI 2000), Berkeley, USA, 30 July-3 August 2000;
  10. H. Bräuning, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Multiple Electron Capture from C-Foils into Slow Highly-Charged Ions,
    GSI Scientific Report 1999 (2000) 91;
  11. A. Budzanowski, A. Hrynkiewicz, J. Janik, R. Sosnowski,<BR><EM>Growing Significance of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna for Polish Science (in Polish)</EM>,<BR>Postępy Fizyki, <STRONG>51 (2)</STRONG> (2000) 103;
  12. W. Chajec, K. Łątka, R. Kmieć, A.W. Pacyna,
    Properties of RTSn (R = La-Gd, T = Au, Ag) Compounds Studied by 119Sn Mössbauer Spectroscopy (in Polish),
    Abstr. of Polish Seminar on Mössbauer Spectroscopy, OSSM '2000, Radom-Zbożenna, Poland, 12-14 June 2000, p. 15;
  13. O. Chmaissem, (R. Kruk) et al.,
    Structural Phase Transition and the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Sr2FeMoO6,
    Phys. Rev. B, 62 (2000) 14197;
  14. J.F.C. Cocks, (R. Broda, B. Fornal) et al.,
    Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reactions as a Tool for Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei,
    J. Phys. G Nucl. Partic., 26 (2000) 23;
  15. P. Cyganik, (J. Lekki, M. Lekka) et al.,
    Phase Separation in Polymer Blend Thin Films Cast on Substrates Patterned by Self-Assembled Monolayers,
    Abstr. of Proc. of 20th Int. Seminar on Surface Physics, (poster), Kudowa Zdrój, Poland, 19-24 June 2000, p. 74;
  16. P. Cyganik, (J. Lekki, M. Lekka) et al.,
    Phase Separation in Polymer Blend Thin Films Cast on Substrates Modified by SAM Organic Monolayers (in Polish),
    Streszczenia VIII Seminarium Sekcji Nauki o Powierzchni i Sekcji Cienkich Warstw Polskiego Towarzystwa Próżniowego nt. "Powierzchnia i struktury cienkowarstwowe", Zakopane, 7-9 grudnia 2000, p. O-20;
  17. E. Dryzek, (J. Dryzek) et al.,
    Subsurface Zones Created under Lubrication Conditions Studied by Positron Annihilation Technique,
    Abstr. ICPA-12, Int. Conf. on Positron Annihilation , München, Germany, 2000, p. P143;
  18. E. Dryzek, J. Dryzek,
    Positron Annihilation Studies in Electrodeposted Copper Layers,
    Proc. of 31st Seminar on Positron Annihilation, Jarnołtówek, Poland, 1 October - 27 September 1999 (Opole Univ. Ed.), 2000, p. 53;
  19. J. Dryzek,
    The Presence of Positron Diffusion in the Annihilation Characteristics in Conventional Experiments,
    Abstr. ICPA-12, Int. Conf. on Positron Annihilation, München, Germany, 2000, p. P163;
  20. J. Dryzek,
    The Diffusion Model for the Trapping and Detrapping of Positrons in Grain Boundaries,
    J. Phys.-Condens. Mat., 12 (2000) 137;
  21. J. Dryzek,
    Study of the Positron Implantation Profile in Electrodeposited Copper Layers,
    Proc. of 31st Seminar on Positron Annihilation, Jarnołtówek, Poland, 1 October - 27 September 1999 (Opole Univ. Ed.), 2000, p. 59;
  22. J. Dryzek, et al.,
    Lorentz Group, CPT and Neutrinos,
    Proc. of Int. Workshop, Zacatecas, Mexico, 23-26 June 1999, eds A.E. Chubykalo, et al. (World Scientific, Singapore) (2000) 204;
  23. J. Dryzek,
    The Positron Annihilation Characteristics in Matter (in Polish),
    Raport IFJ 1839/PS, rozprawa habilitacyjna (2000);
  24. J. Dryzek, E. Dryzek,
    Positron Absorption Studies in Electrodeposited Copper Layers,
    Phys. Status Solidi A, 179 (2000) 337;
  25. J. Dryzek, E. Dryzek,
    Positron Annihilation Studies of Subsurface Zones in Copper Created Under Lubrication,
    Proc. of 3rd COST 516 Tribology Symposium, Eibar, Spain, 18-19 May 2000, eds A. Igartua and A. Alberdi (Techniker) (2000) 256;
  26. J. Dryzek, A. Polak,
    The Changes of the Free Volume in Polyoxymethylene Bearing Bushes after Friction Treatment,
    Proc. of 3rd COST 516 Tribology Symposium, Eibar, Spain, 18-19 May 2000, eds A. Igartua and A. Alberdi (Techniker) (2000) 271;
  27. B. Fornal, (R. Broda, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    New States in 44,46Ar Isotopes from Deep-Inelastic Heavy Ion Reaction Studies,
    Eur. Phys. J. A, 7 (2000) 147;
  28. A. Gawęda, A. Pieczka, J. Kraczka,
    Origin of Tourmalines from the Western Tatra Mountains, Poland,
    Int. Conf. on Minerals of the Carpatians, Miskolc, Hungary, March 2000 in: Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, XLI, Suppl. 2000, p. 47;
  29. N. Gelli, (B. Fornal) et al.,
    Inclusive and Exclusive Measurements of High Energy γ-Rays in the 101 MeV 19F + 181Ta Fusion Reaction,
    Eur. Phys. J. A, 7 (2000) 361;
  30. P. Golonka, M. Kluza, J. Dryzek, K. Banaś,
    Application of Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy and Proton NMR Relaxation to Examine Biological Samples,
    Mol. Phys. Rep., 29 (2000) 224;
  31. A.E. Görlich, K. Łątka, R. Kmieć, Z. Tomkowicz, W. Warkocki,
    Hyperfine Interactions of 119Sn and 155Gd Versus Bulk Properties of GdTxSn2 Phases,
    Mol. Phys. Rep., 30 (2000) 59;
  32. E.A. Görlich, K. Łątka, R. Kmieć, W. Warkocki,
    Mössbauer Spectroscopy Studies of 119Sn and 155Gd Hyperfine Interactions in GdTxSn2,
    Abstr. of Polish Seminar on Mössbauer Spectroscopy, OSSM '2000, Radom-Zbożenna, Poland, 12-14 June 2000, p. 17;
  33. A. Hoffknecht, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Recombination of Highly Charged Ions with Free Electrons at the ESR,
    GSI Scientific Report 1999 (2000) 88;
  34. A. Hrynkiewicz,
    Does Poland Need Nuclear Power? (in Polish),
    Materiały Zjazdu Fizyków Polskich, Białystok, wrzesień 1999, część II w: Postępy Fizyki, 51 (2000) 74;
  35. I. Ignacak, (M. Lekka) et al.,
    The Regulation of the Glycolitic Activity of Human Bladder Transitional Carcinome Cell Lines by the Microcrystalline Chitosan Induced Changes in the Elastic Properties of Cell Membrane (in Polish),
    XXXVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Biochemicznego, Poznań, 11-14 września 2000, p. 165;
  36. P.W. Klamut, (R. Kruk, R. Kmieć) et al.,
    Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of RuSr2GdCu2O8; the Effect of Synthesis,
    Physica C, 341-348 (2000) 455;
  37. M. Kmiecik, (A. Maj) et al.,
    The GDR Width in the Excited 147Eu Compound Nucleus at High Angular Momentum,
    Nucl. Phys. A, 674 (2000) 29;
  38. M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, A. Bracco, F. Camera, B. Million, B. Herskind,
    γ-Decay of the GDR in 147Eu Compound Nucleus,
    Proc. of Int. Symp. on Exotic Nuclear Structures, Debrecen, Hungary, 15-20 May 2000, eds Zs. Dombr'adi, A. Krasznahorkay (2000) 381;
  39. J. Kraczka, A. Pieczka,
    Mössbauer Study of Thermal Oxidation of Fe2+ in Tourmaline (in Polish),
    Abstr. of Polish Seminar on Mössbauer Spectroscopy, OSSM '2000, Radom-Zbożenna, Poland, 12-14 June 2000;
  40. J. Kraczka, A. Pieczka,
    X-Ray and Mössbauer Study of Tourmaline from the Quartz-Sericite Schist of Jegłowa (Lower Silesia),
    Mineralogia Pol., 31 (1) (2000) 3;
  41. J. Kraczka, A. Pieczka,
    Mössbauer Study of Thermal Oxidation of Fe2+ in Tourmaline,
    Mol. Phys. Rep., 30 (2000) 80;
  42. D. Krupa, (B. Rajchel) et al.,
    Effect of Calcium and/or Phosphorus Ion Implantation on the Corrosion Resistance and Biocompatibility of Titanium (in Polish),
    III Ogólnopolska Konf. Naukowa nt. "Inżynieria powierzchni", Kazimierz Dolny, 16-17 czerwca 2000, Problemy Eksploatacji 2, 2000, p. 163;
  43. B. Kubica, W.M. Kwiatek, E.M. Dutkiewicz, W. Polak,
    Determination of Traces of Selected Metals in Fish Tissue, Using PIXE, TRXRF and XRF Techniques (in Polish),
    IFJ Report, 1864/C (2000);
  44. B. Kubica, W.M. Kwiatek, R. Gryboś, E.M. Dutkiewicz, R. Hajduk,
    Verification of PIXE Method - Analysis of Low Vanadium Concentration in Rat's Samples Liver and Kidney (in Polish),
    "Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków", Mat. Warsztatów Analityka w Geologii i Ochronie Środowiska, Poznań, 26 kwietnia 2000 i Mat. IX Poznańskiego Konwersatorium Analitycznego, Poznań, 27-28 kwietnia 2000, red, 2000, p. 108;
  45. M. Lach, (P. Bednarczyk, W. Męczyński, J. Styczeń) et al.,
    Identification of the 13/2+ Isomer in 199At,
    Eur. Phys. J. A, 9 (2000) 307;
  46. D. Latowski, (K. Burda) et al.,
    A Mathematical Model Describing Kinetics of Conversion of Violaxanthin to Zeaxanthin via Intermediate Antheraxanthin by the Xanthophyll Cycle Enzyme Violaxanthin,
    J. Theor. Biol., 206 (2000) 507;
  47. S. Lebed, (Z. Stachura, Z. Cioch, M. Cholewa, R. Hajduk, S. Łazarski, J. Lekki, S. Maranda, A. Potempa, C. Sarnecki, J. Styczeń, Z. Szklarz) et al.,
    The New Cracow Scanning Nuclear Microprobe,
    Abstr. of 7th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications (ICNMTA-2000), Bordeaux, France, 10-15 September 2000, p. 62;
  48. S. Lebed, (Z. Stachura, J. Lekki, A. Potempa, J. Styczeń) et al.,
    A Novel Ultra-Short Scanning Nuclear Microprobe with External Beam: Design and First Results,
    Abstr. of 7th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications (ICNMTA-2000), Bordeaux, France, 10-15 September 2000, p. 23;
  49. M. Lekka, (J. Lekki, Z. Stachura) et al.,
    The Correlation between the Glycolytic Activity and Elasticity of Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells,
    Abstr. of IX Int. Symp. of Polish Network of Molecular and Cellular Biology, UNESCO/PAN, Kraków, Poland, 6-7 June 2000, poster, 2000, p. 245;
  50. M. Lekka, (J. Lekki, Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Changes in Elastic Properties of Living Cells Caused by Chitosan Measured with SFM,
    Conf. on Impact of Cancer Biotechnology on Predictive Oncology -- Cancer Detection and Prevention, Geneve, Switzerland, 28-31 October 2000, (poster), 2000, p. S-124;
  51. M. Lekka, (J. Lekki, Z. Stachura, A.Z. Hrynkiewicz) et al.,
    The Influence of Chitosan on Elastic Properties of Normal and Cancerous Cells,
    Abstr. of IX Int. Symp. of Polish Network of Molecular and Cellular Biology, UNESCO/PAN, Kraków, Poland, 6-7 June 2000, poster, 2000, p. 247;
  52. M. Lekka, (J. Lekki, Z. Stachura, A.Z. Hrynkiewicz) et al.,
    Structural Changes of Cell Cytoskeleton Studied by SFM (in Polish),
    Streszczenia VIII Seminarium Sekcji Nauki o Powierzchni i Sekcji Cienkich Warstw Polskiego Towarzystwa Próżniowego nt. "Powierzchnia i struktury cienkowarstwowe", Zakopane, 7-9 grudnia 2000, p. 0-19;
  53. M. Lekka, (J. Lekki, Z. Stachura, J. Styczeń) et al.,
    The Influence of Metal Ions on Adhesion in Aqueous Solutions,
    SXM4 -- 4th Int. Conf. on Development and Technological Application of Scanning Probe Methods, Münster, Germany, 25-27 September 2000, Book of Acstracts, (poster), 2000, p. 36;
  54. J. Lekki, R. Hajduk, S. Lebed, A. Potempa, T. Pieprzyca, Z. Stachura, M. Ziębliński, J. Styczeń,
    CMB v. 1.1 Data Acquisition and Evaluation System of the Cracow Nuclear Microprobe,
    IFJ Report, 1856/AP (2000);
  55. T. Ludziejewski, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Simultaneous Excitation and Ionization of He-Like Uranium Ions in Relativistic Collisions with Gaseous Targets,
    Phys. Rev. A, 61 (2000) 52706;
  56. K. Łątka, E.A. Görlich, J. Gurgul, R. Kmieć,
    Magnetism of ErAgSn Studied by 119Sn Mösbauer Spectroscopy,
    Hyperfine Interact., 126 (2000) 299;
  57. K. Łątka, R. Kmieć, J. Gurgul,
    Magnetic Properties of RAgSn (R = Pr, Er) Compounds as Seen by 119Sn Mössbauer Spectroscopy,
    Abstr. of Polish Seminar on Mössbauer Spectroscopy, OSSM '2000, Radom-Zbożenna, Poland, 12-14 June 2000, p. 29;
  58. K. Łątka, R. Kmieć, J. Gurgul,
    Magnetic Properties of RAgSn (R = Pr, Er) Compounds as Seen by 119Sn Mössbauer Spectroscopy,
    Mol. Phys. Rep., 30 (2000) 94;
  59. A. Maj,
    Properties of Hot and Fast Rotating Atomic Nuclei Studied by Means of Giant Dipole Resonance in Exclusive Experiments (in Polish),
    IFJ Report, 1850/PL (2000);
  60. M. Marszałek, J. Grębosz, J. Jaworski, Z. Stachura, M. Ziębliński, B. Sulkio-Cleff,
    The 8-Parameter List Mode for γ Perturbed Angular Correlation Measurements,
    Z. Naturforsch. A, 55 (2000) 74;
  61. M. Marszałek, (J. Jaworski, Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Structural and Magnetoresistive Properties of Co/Cu Multilayers,
    Abstr. of Int. Conf. on Magnetism 2000, Recife, Brazil, 6-11 August 2000, p. 169;
  62. M. Marszałek, (J. Jaworski, Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Scaning Probe Microscopy Characterization of Co/Cu Multilayers Growth (in Polish),
    Streszczenia VIII Seminarium Sekcji Nauki o Powierzchni i Sekcji Cienkich Warstw Polskiego Towarzystwa próźniowego nt. "Powierzchnia i struktury cienkowarstwowe", Zakopane, 7-9 grudnia 2000, p. O-12;
  63. M. Marszałek, H. Saitovitch, P.R.J. Silva,
    Hyperfine Interactions at 181Ta in Hf2Ni7 and Zr2Ni7,
    Z. Naturforsch. A, 55 (2000) 49;
  64. I. Matsumoto, (J. Kwiatkowska, F. Maniawski) et al.,
    A Compton Scattering Study of Al-Li Disordered Alloy Single Crystal,
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 61 (2000) 375;
  65. J.W. Mietelski, W. Męczyński,
    Application of Low-Background Gamma-Ray Spectrometer to the Determination of 90Sr,
    Appl. Rad. Isotopes, 53 (2000) 121;
  66. B. Million, (M. Kmiecik, A. Maj) et al.,
    Measurement of 15 MeV γ-Rays with the Ge Cluster Detectors of EUROBALL,
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 452 (2000) 422;
  67. H. Oeschler, (A. Budzanowski, W. Karcz, M. Janicki) et al.,
    Variation of the Coulomb Repulsion in Multifragmentation,
    Part. Nuclei, Lett., 2[99] (2000) 70;
  68. C.D. O'Leary, (A. Maj) et al.,
    Nonyrast High-Spin States in N = Z 44Ti,
    Phys. Rev. C, 61 (2000) 64314;
  69. M. Olech, P. Osyczka, E. Dutkiewicz,
    Local Environmental Pollution with Heavy Metals in the Admiralty Bay Region (South Shetland, Antarctica),
    Proc. of the 27th Int. Polar Symp. "Polish Polar Studies", Toruń, Poland, 1-3 December 2000, eds. M. Grześ et al. (2000) 99;
  70. B. Rajchel, B. Porankiewicz,
    Matrix Effect in Investigation of Thin Surface Layers by Beam of Charged Particles (in Polish),
    IFJ Report, 1846/AP (2000);
  71. B. Rajchel, J. Stanek,
    Microscopic Properties of Carbon Films Interacting with Transition Metals,
    Mol. Phys. Rep., 30 (2000) 127;
  72. M. Rajmund, (R. Broda, B. Fornal, M. Lach, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Particle Octupole-Vibration Coupling near 208Pb,
    Eur. Phys. J. A, 8 (2000) 161;
  73. D. Ringkjobing Jensen, (A. Maj) et al.,
    Co-Existing Coupling Schemes at High Spin in 166Hf,
    Eur. Phys. J. A, 8 (2000) 165;
  74. V. Rizzi, (K. Zuber) et al.,
    Search for Hyperdeformed Structures Populated in the 37Cl + 120Sn Reaction by Using EUROBALL III,
    Eur. Phys. J. A, 7 (2000) 299;
  75. H. Saitovitch, P.R.J. Silva, M. Marszałek,
    Hyperfine Interactions at 181Ta in Hf2Co7,
    Abstr, of Conf. on Nuclear Methods in Magnetism, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2-4 August 2000, p. P-26;
  76. H.W. Schäffer, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
    The Two-Photon Decay of the 1s2s 1S0 State in Heavy He-Like Ions,
    Abstr. of XVII Int. Conf. on Atomic Physics, Florence, Italy, 4-9 June 2000, p. 156;
  77. W. Shi, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Dielectric Recombination and Spectroscopy of Lithium-Like Bi80+ Ions,
    Abstr. of Tenth Int. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, (HCI 2000), Berkeley, USA, 30 July 3 August 2000;
  78. D. Singleton, J. Dryzek,
    Electromagnetic-Field Angular Momentum in Condensed Matter Systems,
    Phys. Rev. B, 62 (2000) 13070;
  79. M.B. Smith, (J. Styczeń, K. Zuber) et al.,
    Deformed Rotational Cascades in 152Dy: Further Evidence for Shape Coexistance at High Spin,
    Phys. Rev. C, 61 (2000) 34314;
  80. Z. Stachura,
    Scanning Nuclear Microprobes: Design and Application (in Polish),
    Foton, 66 (2000) 4;
  81. Th. Stöhlker, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Photoionization Studies for H-Like High-Z Ions at Low Energies,
    GSI Scientific Report 1999 (2000) 95;
  82. Th. Stöhlker, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
    1s Lamb Shift in Hydrogenlike Uranium Measured on Cooled, Decelerated Ion Beams,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 85 (2000) 3109; GSI-2000-32;
  83. P. Suortti, (J. Kwiatkowska, F. Maniawski) et al.,
    Fermi-Surface and Electron Correlation in Al Studied by Compton Scattering,
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 61 (2000) 397;
  84. K. Tomala, R. Kmieć, R. Kruk, G. Czjzek,
    Magnetic Order in Gd1-xCexCu6, a 155Gd Mössbauer Study,
    J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 222 (2000) 285;
  85. A. Warczak, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
    Double Electron Capture in Relativistic U92+ Collisions Observed at the ESR Jet Target,
    GSI Scientific Report 1999 (2000) 90;
  86. P. Wodniecki, B. Wodniecka, A. Kulińska, M. Uhrmacher, K.P. Lieb,
    The Hafnium Aluminides HfAl3 and Hf2Al3 Studied by Perturbed Angular Correlations with 181Ta and 111Cd Probes,
    J. Alloys Compd., 312 (2000) 17; J. Alloys;
  87. C.T. Zhang, (R. Broda, B. Fornal) et al.,
    Yrast Isomers of (ν h11/2)n Character in 125Sn and 126Sn,
    Phys. Rev. C, 62 (2000) 57305;


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