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Publikacje - Publikacje za rok 2002
    1. P.A. Golonka, J. Dryzek, M. Kluza,
      Bean Cotyledons Microporosity under Hydration Conditions,
      Nukleonika, 47 (2002) 137;
    2. S.P. Avdeyev, (A. Budzanowski, W. Karcz, M. Janicki) et al.,
      Comparative Study of Multifragmentation of Gold Nuclei Induced by Relativistic Protons, 4He, and 12C,
      Nucl. Phys. A, 709 (2002) 392;
    3. G. Benzoni, (A. Maj, M. Kmiecik, J. Styczeń, M. Ziębliński) et al.,
      Effect of E1 Decay in the Population of Superdeformed Structures,
      Phys. Lett. B, 540 (2002) 199;
    4. C. Brandau, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
      High Rydberg Resonances in Dielectronic Recombination of Pb79+,
      Phys. Rev. Lett., 89 (2002) 053201;
    5. R. Broda,
      High-Spin States in Neutron-Rich Nuclei Explored with Deep-Inelastic HI Reactions,
      Eur. Phys. J. A, 13 (2002) 1;
    6. R. Broda, (B. Fornal, J. Wrzesiński, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, K.H. Maier) et al.,
      New Challenges in Regions of Doubly-Magic 48Ca and 208Pb,
      Proc. of the 7th Int. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics "Challenges of Nuclear Structure", Maiori, Italy, 27-31 May 2001, ed. A. Covello (World Scientific Publ.) (2002) 195;
    7. K. Burda, R. Borgstaedt, J. Stanek, O. Kruse, G.H. Schmid,
      Mössbauer Studies of a Chlamydomonas Reinharditi PSI Mutant,
      Abstr. of the Workshop "Redox Regulation: from Molecular Responces to Environmental Adaptation", Bielefeld, Germany, 2002, p. 11;
    8. K. Burda, J. Kruk, K. Strzałka, G.H. Schmid,
      Stimulation of Oxygen Evolution in Photosystem II by Copper (II) Ions,
      Z. Naturforsch. C, 57 (2002) 853;
    9. K. Burda, J. Lekki, J. Cieślak, J. Kruk, M. Lekka, S. Dubiel, J. Stanek, Z. Stachura,
      Molecular Mechanism of Haemolysis Induced by Triphenyltin Chloride,
      Appl. Organomet. Chem., 16 (2002) 148;
    10. K. Burda, G.H. Schmid,
      Size of the 18O Isotope Effect in the Water Splitting Reaction,
      Abstr. of the Workshop "Conversion of Solar Energy in Photosynthesis: Structures, Mechanisms and Cellular Regulation", Mogilany, Kraków, Poland, 2002, p. 16;
    11. K. Burda, G.H. Schmid,
      Molecular Mechanism of Cooper Toxicity on the Photosynthetic Apparatus,
      Proc. of the Marie Curie Fellowships European Scientific Workshop "Developing a Scientific Creer", Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, 28-30 November... (2002) 20;
    12. Th. Byrski, (P. Bednarczyk, K. Zuber) et al.,
      Enhanced Population of Superdeformation in the Mass A = 150 Region,
      Phys. Rev. C, 65 (2002) 034324;
    13. P.J. Daly, (B. Fornal, R. Broda) et al.,
      Magic Nucleus 132Sn and N=81 Isotones 131Sn, 132Sb, 133Te,
      Proc. of the 7th Int. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics "Challenges of Nuclear Structure", Maiori, Italy, 27-31 May 2001, ed. A. Covello (World Scientific Publ.) (2002) 185;
    14. E. Dryzek, J. Dryzek,
      Positron Annihilation Studies of Electrodeposited Copper Layers,
      J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 21 (2002) 469;
    15. J. Dryzek,
      The Solution of the Time Dependent Positron Diffusion Equation Valid for Pulsed Beam Experiments,
      Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 196 (2002) 186;
    16. J. Dryzek,
      The Positron Diffusion Process Studied in Multilayer Systems,
      Phys. Status Solidi B, 229 (2002) 1163;
    17. J. Dryzek, P.A. Golonka,
      Influence of External Magnetic Fields on the Positron Diffusion in Solids,
      Phys. Status Solidi B, 231 (2002) 313;
    18. J. Dryzek, E. Dryzek,
      Positron Annihilation Studies in Talc Mineral,
      Proc. of The 34th Polish Sem. on Positron Annihilation, Turawa, Poland, 16-21 June 2002 (PSPA Opole) (2002) 15;
    19. J. Dryzek, E. Dryzek, P.A. Golonka,
      Positron Annihilation Studies in Pyrophyllite,
      J. Phys.-Condens. Mat., 14 (2002) 13857;
    20. J. Dryzek, A. Kato, G. Muñoz, D. Singleton,
      Electrons as Quasi-Bosons in Magnetic White Dwarfs,
      Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 11 (2002) 417;
    21. B. Fornal, (R. Broda, K.H. Maier, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
      Polarization Charge of the π h11/2 Orbital from the Yrast Structure of 206Hg,
      Proc. of the 7th Int. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics "Challenges of Nuclear Structure", Maiori, Italy, 27-31 May 2001, ed. A. Covello (World Scientific Publ.) (2002) 217;
    22. A. Gawęda, A. Pieczka, J. Kraczka,
      Tourmalines from the Western Tatra Mountains (W-Carpathians, S-Poland): Their Characteristics and Petrogenetic Importance,
      Eur. J. Mineral., 14 (2002) 943;
    23. R-D. Hoffmann, R. Pöttgen, T. Fickenscher, C. Felser, K. Łątka, R. Kmieć,
      Ferromagnetic Ordering in GdPdCd,
      Solid State Sci., 4 (2002) 609;
    24. A. Hrynkiewicz,
      Energy. The XXI Century Challenge (in Polish),
      (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego) (2002);
    25. A.Z. Hrynkiewicz,
      Science in a Distorting Mirror (in Polish),
      Alma Mater, 41 (2002) 17;
    26. R.V.F. Janssens, (B. Fornal, R. Broda, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
      Structure of 52, 54Ti and Shell Closures in Neutron-Rich Nuclei Above 48Ca,
      Phys. Lett. B, 546 (2002) 55;
    27. J. Jaworski, M. Marszałek, K. Marszałek, M. Kąc,
      Studies of Thin Film Growth of Co/Cu/Si(100) System by Auger Elektron Spectroscopy (AES) (in Polish),
      Prace Naukowe PW, Elektronika, 143 (2002) 73;
    28. D.R. Jensen, (A. Maj, P. Bednarczyk) et al.,
      Wobbling Phonon Excitations, Coexisting with Normal Deformed Structures in 163Lu,
      Nucl. Phys. A, 703 (2002) 3;
    29. D.R. Jensen, (A. Maj, P. Bednarczyk) et al.,
      Evidence for Second-Phonon Nuclear Wobbling,
      Phys. Rev. Lett., 89 (2002) 142503;
    30. M. Kąc, W. Karaś, T. Ślęzak, J. Korecki,
      Correlation of Magnetic Properties and Strukture of Fe-Cr (in Polish),
      Prace Naukowe PW, Elektronika, 143 (2002) 171;
    31. W. Królas et al.,
      Excited States in Drip Line Nucleus 140Dy,
      AIP Conf. Proc., 638 (2002) 247; Proc. of "Mapping the Triangle": Int. Conf. on Nuclear Structure, 22-25 May 2002, Jackson Lake Lodge, Wyoming, USA, eds A. Aprahamian, J.A. Cizewski, S. Pitter, N.V. Zamfir;
    32. W. Królas, et al.,
      First Observation of the Drip Line Nucleus 140Dy: Identification of a 7 μs K Isomer Populating the Ground State Band,
      Phys. Rev. C, 65 (2002) 031303;
    33. R. Kruk, (R. Kmieć) et al.,
      Magnetic Behavior of Superconducting RuSr2GdCu2O8 Studied by 155Gd and 99Ru Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Susceptibility Measurements,
      Physica C, 370 (2002) 71;
    34. D. Krupa, J. Baszkiewicz, J.A. Kozubowski, A. Barcz, J.W. Sobczak, A. Biliński, M. Lewandowska-Szmigieł, B. Rajchel,
      Effect of Phosphorus Ion Implantation on the Corrosion Resistance and Biocompatibility of Titanium,
      Biomaterials, 23 (2002) 3329;
    35. A. Kulińska, K.-P. Lieb, M. Uhrmacher, P. Wodniecki,
      PAC Study of Ni-Irradiated Sb Films,
      Surf. Coat. Tech., 158/159 (2002) 225;
    36. W.M. Kwiatek, T. Drewniak, M. Gajda, M. Gałka, A.L. Hanson, T. Cichocki,
      Preliminary Study on the Distribution of Selected Elements in Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Kidney Tissues,
      J. Trace Elem. Med. Bio., 16 (2002) 155;
    37. M. Lach, J. Styczeń, W. Męczyński, P. Bednarczyk, A. Maj, J. Grębosz, M. Ziębliński, A. Bracco, J.C. Merdinger, N. Schulz, M.B. Smith, K.M. Spohr, J.P. Vivien,
      High-Spin Studies of 42Ca,
      IFJ Report, 1911/PL (2002);
    38. K. Lagergren, (P. Bednarczyk) et al.,
      Evidence for Excited States in 95Ag,
      Eur. Phys. J. A, 14 (2002) 393;
    39. P. Laidler, M. Lekka, M. Łabądź, J. Lekki, G. Pyka,
      Force Analysis of Interactions Between Carbohydrate Chains and Lectins,
      Abstr. of the 28-th Meeting of the FEBS 2002, Istambul, Turkey, 20-25 October, 2002, in: Eur. J. Biochem. 269 Suppl., 2002, p. 93;
    40. D. Latowski, J. Kruk, K. Burda, M. Skrzynecka-Jaskier, A. Kostecka-Gugała,
      Kinetics of Violaxanthin De-Epoxidation by Violaxanthin De-Epoxidase, a Xanthophyll Cycle Enzyme, is Regulated by Membrane Fluidity in Model Lipid Bilayers,
      Eur. J. Biochem., 269 (2002) 4656;
    41. M. Lekka, J. Gryboś, J. Lekki, Z. Stachura, J. Styczeń,
      Single-Bond Force Measured by Means of Scanning Force Microscopy,
      Acta Phys. Pol. A, 102 (2002) 355;
    42. J. Lekki, M. Cholewa, E. Dutkiewicz, A. Gwiazdowska, R. Hajduk, K. Irzyńska, S. Lebed, P. Mazur, W. Polak, A. Potempa, T. Pieprzyca, C. Sarnecki, Z. Szklarz, A. Veselov, R. Zając, Z. Stachura, J. Styczeń,
      SPH IFJ Project of Single Proton Irradiation of Biological Cells,
      IFJ Report, 1915/B (2002);
    43. X. Liang, (P. Bednarczyk) et al.,
      Candidate for the 6+ State in the Yrast Sequence of 36S,
      Phys. Rev. C, 66 (2002) 014302;
    44. X. Liang, (P. Bednarczyk) et al.,
      Observation of Yrast States in Neutron-Rich 41Cl,
      Phys. Rev. C, 66 (2002) 037301;
    45. K. Łątka, (R. Kmieć, A.W. Pacyna) et al.,
      Structure and Properties of GdTMg (T=Pd, Ag, Pt),
      J. Solid State Chem., 168 (2002) 331;
    46. A. Maj, M. Kmiecik,
      GDR-Based Search for Exotic Nuclear Shapes,
      Proc. of the Camerino Conf. on Exotic Nuclei at the Proton Drip Line, eds C.M. Petrache and G. Lo Bianco (2002) 169;
    47. N. Marginean, (W. Królas) et al.,
      Delayed Alignments in the N=Z Nuclei 84Mo and 88Ru,
      Phys. Rev. C, 65 (2002) 051303;
    48. M. Marszałek, J. Jaworski, J. Lekki, K. Marszałek, Z. Stachura, V. Voznyi, O. Bölling, B. Sulkio-Cleff,
      Characterization of Co/Cu Multilayers Growth by Scanning Probe Microscopy,
      Surf. Sci., 507-510 (2002) 346;
    49. M. Marszałek, J. Jaworski, Z. Stachura, V. Voznyi, O. Bölling, B. Sulkio-Cleff,
      Influence of the Roughness of the Buffer Layer on the Magnetoresistance of Co/Cu Multilayers,
      Phys. Status Solidi A, 189 (2002) 653;
    50. D. Meier, (A. Czermak, P. Jałocha, B. Sowicki) et al.,
      Silicon Detector for a Compton Camera in Nuclear Medical Imaging,
      IEEE T. Nucl. Sci., 49 (2002) 812; CERN-EP-2001-009;
    51. B. Rajchel, M. Lekka, A. Wesełucha-Birczyńska, L.M. Proniewicz,
      Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Carbon and Titanium Based Biocompatible Layers Formed by Ionic Methods (in Polish),
      Inżynieria Biomateriałów, 23-25 (2002) 87;
    52. B. Rajchel, (J. Lekki, M. Mitura, A. Adamski) et al.,
      Creation of the Biocompatibile Carbon and Silicon Based Coating Layers by Using of the Dual Beam IBAD Method (in Polish),
      Przegląd Lekarski, 59, supl. 4 (2002) 91;
    53. V.K. Rodionov, (A. Budzanowski, W. Karcz, M. Janicki) et al.,
      Time Scale of the Thermal Multifragmentation in p+Au Collisions at 8.1 GeV,
      Nucl. Phys. A, 700 (2002) 457; JINR E1-2001-157;
    54. K.P. Rykaczewski, (W. Królas) et al.,
      Fine Structure in Proton Emission,
      AIP Conf. Proc., 638 (2002) 149; Proc. of "Mapping the Triangle": Int. Conf. on Nuclear Structure, 22-25 May 2002, Jackson Lodge, Wyoming, USA, eds A. Aprahamian et al.;
    55. T. Schmidt, (R. Kmieć, R. Kruk, A.W. Pacyna) et al.,
      Structure and Properties of CeRhSn - a Valence Fluctuating System,
      Abst. of the Int. Conf. on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Kraków, Poland, 10-13 July 2002, p. 113;
    56. W. Shi, (Z. Stachura) et al.,
      Rate Enhancement in the Recombination of Bi80+ Ions with Electrons,
      Phys. Rev. A, 66 (2002) 022718;
    57. K. Strzałka, D. Latowski, K. Burda, A. Kostecka-Gugała, J. Kruk,
      Involvement of Membrane Lipid Fluidity in Regulation of Molecular Mechanism of the Xanthophyll Cycle,
      Proc. of the 15th Int. Symposium on Plant Lipids, Okazaki, Japan, 12-17 May... (2002) 1;
    58. L.A. Terrazos, (M. Marszałek) et al.,
      Electric Field Gradients at Ta in Zr and Hf Inter-Metallic Compounds,
      Solid State Commun., 121 (2002) 525;
    59. M. Uhrmacher, (A. Kulińska) et al.,
      Fe-Mn Mechanically Alloyed Powders Characterised by Local Probes,
      Intermetallics, 10 (2002) 571;
    60. P. Wodniecki, B. Wodniecka, A. Kulińska, M. Uhrmacher, K.P. Lieb,
      The HfAl2 and ZrAl2 Laves Phases Studied by 181Ta and 111Cd Perturbed Angular Correlation Spectroscopy,
      J. Alloys Compd., 335 (2002) 20;


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Ostatnie zmiany: 17/07/2013 @ 14:36
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