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Publikacje - Publikacje za rok 2011
  1. AGATA Collab., K. Hadyńska-Klęk, (A. Maj, P. Bednarczyk, M. Ciemała, A. Czermak, B. Dulny, B. Fornal, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, W. Męczyński, J. Styczeń, M. Ziębliński) et al.,
    Refinement of the 42Ca level scheme. Preliminary results from the first AGATA demonstrator experiment,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 817;
  2. AGATA Collab., R. Nicolini, (M. Ciemała, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Study of high-lying states in 208Pb with the AGATA demonstration,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 653;
  3. AGATA Collab., PRISMA Collab., A. Gadea, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Conceptual design and infrastructure for the installation of the first AGATA sub-array at LNL,
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 654 (2011) 88;
  4. AGATA Collab., P.-A. Söderström, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, W. Męczyński) et al.,
    Interaction position resolution simulations and in-beam measurements of the AGATA HPGe detectors,
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 638 (2011) 96;
  5. S. Barlini, (M. Ciemała, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, M. Ziębliński) et al.,
    Light charged particles distribution and fission fragments selection in 48Ti+40Ca at 600 MeV,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 639;
  6. C. Beck, (P. Bednarczyk) et al.,
    Clusters in light nuclei,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 747;
  7. P. Boutachkov, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Isomer and β-decay spectroscopy of Tz=1 isotopes below the N=Z=50 shell gap,
    J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 312 (2011) 092019;
  8. P. Boutachkov, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    High-spin isomers in 96Ag: excitations across the Z = 38 and Z = 50, N = 50 closed shells,
    Phys. Rev. C, 84 (2011) 044311;
  9. R. Broda, K.H. Maier, B. Fornal, J. Wrzesiński, B. Szpak, M.P. Carpenter, R.V.F. Janssens, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, S. Zhu,
    High-spin states and isomers in the one-proton-hole and three-neutron-hole 204Tl isotope,
    Phys. Rev. C, 84 (2011) 014330;
  10. C.J. Chiara, (B. Fornal, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Seniority, collectivity, and B(E2) enhancement in 72Ni,
    Phys. Rev. C, 84 (2011) 037304;
  11. M. Ciemała, (M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, P. Bednarczyk, B. Fornal, M. Matejska, K. Mazurek, W. Męczyński, S. Myalski, J. Styczeń, B. Szpak, M. Ziębliński) et al.,
    Search for Jacobi shape transition in hot rotating 88Mo nuclei through giant dipole resonance decay,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 633;
  12. A. Corsi, (M. Ciemała, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, K. Mazurek, W. Męczyński, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Prompt high energy dipole γ emission,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 619;
  13. A. Corsi, (M. Ciemała, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, K. Mazurek, W. Męczyński, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Measurement of isospin mixing at a finite temperature in 80Zr via giant dipole resonance decay,
    Phys. Rev. C, 84 (2011) 041304(R);
  14. D. Curien, J. Dudek, H. Molique, L. Sengele, A. Góźdź, K. Mazurek,
    Search for tetrahedral symmetry in nuclei: a short overview,
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 20 (2011) 219;
  15. A.N. Deacon, (B. Fornal) et al.,
    Single-particle and collective structures in 55Cr and 55V,
    Phys. Rev. C, 83 (2011) 064305;
  16. A. Dobrowolski, A. Góźdź, K. Mazurek, J. Dudek,
    Tetrahedral symmetry in nuclei: new predictions based on the collective model,
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 20 (2011) 500;
  17. A. Gottardo, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Isomers in neutron-rich lead isotopes populated via the fragmentation of 238U at 1 GeV A,
    J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 312 (2011) 092026;
  18. M. Guttormsen, (M. Kmiecik, K. Mazurek) et al.,
    Fermi’s golden rule applied to the γ decay in the quasicontinuum of 46Ti,
    Phys. Rev. C, 83 (2011) 014312;
  19. R. Hoischen, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Isomeric mirror states as probes for effective charges in the lower pf shell,
    J. Phys. G Nucl. Partic., 38 (2011) 035104;
  20. W. Królas,
    Neutron-rich nuclei populated in deep-inelastic collisions: new studies of the redistribution of protons and neutrons,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 689;
  21. W. Królas, (R. Broda, B. Fornal, T. Pawłat, B. Szpak, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Coupling of the proton-hole and neutron-particle states in the neutron-rich 48K isotope,
    Phys. Rev. C, 84 (2011) 064301;
  22. R. Kumar, (P. Bednarczyk) et al.,
    Enhanced 0+g.s. → 2+1 E2 transition strength in 112,114 Sn,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 813;
  23. K. Mazurek, J. Dudek, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, J.P. Wieleczko, D. Rouvel,
    Poincaré shape transitions on hot rotating nuclei,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 471;
  24. K. Mazurek, C. Schmitt, J.P. Wieleczko, P.N. Nadtochy, G. Ademard,
    Critical insight into the influence of the potential energy surface on fission dynamics,
    Phys. Rev. C, 84 (2011) 014610;
  25. K. Mazurek, J.P. Wieleczko, C. Schmitt, P. N. Nadtochy,
    Inuence of the potential energy landscape on the fission dynamics,
    Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. FUSION11, Saint-Malo, France, 2-6 May, 2011 in: EPJ Web of Conferences, 17 (2011) 16006;
  26. M. Mazzocco, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Does the breakup process affect the reaction dynamics for the systems 17O, 17F + 58Ni at Coulomb barrier energies?,
    Proc. of 5th International Conference FUSION11, Saint-Malo, France, 2–6 May 2011, in: EPJ Web of Conferences, 17 (2011) 13005;
  27. H. Molique, J. Dudek, A. Góźdź, K. Mazurek,
    Exotic nuclear shapes and the level mixing models,
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 20 (2011) 811;
  28. D. Montanari, (M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, W. Męczyński) et al.,
    Probing the nature of particle-core couplings in 49Ca with γ spectroscopy and heavy-ion transfer reactions,
    Phys. Lett. B, 697 (2011) 288;
  29. D. Montanari, (M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, W. Męczyński) et al.,
    Elastic, inelastic, and one-nucleon transfer processes in 48Ca + 64Ni,
    Phys. Rev. C, 84 (2011) 054613;
  30. B.S. Nara Singh (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    Exotic nuclear studies around and below A=100,
    AIP Conf. Proc., 1409 (2011) 19;
  31. B.S. Nara Singh, (J. Grębosz) et al.,
    16+ spin-gap isomer in 96Cd,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 107 (2011) 172502;
  32. M. Niikura, (P. Bednarczyk, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Lifetime measurement of 2 +1 state in 74Zn with differential plunger technique,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 537;
  33. PARIS Collab., D. Lebhertz, (M. Ciemała) et al.,
    Performances of the future multidetector PARIS illustrated on the radiative capture physics case,
    Acta Phys. Pol. B, 42 (2011) 721;
  34. PARIS Collab., D. Lebhertz, (M. Ciemała) et al.,
    Probing the 12C – 12C and 12C – 16O molecular states by radiative capture reactions: present status and future,
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 20 (2011) 793;
  35. S. Pietri, (P. Bednarczyk, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    First observation of the decay of a 15- seniority ν = 4 isomer in 128Sn,
    Phys. Rev. C, 83 (2011) 044328;
  36. S.J. Steer, (P. Bednarczyk, K.H. Maier, J. Grębosz, M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, S. Myalski) et al.,
    Isomeric states observed in heavy neitron-rich nuclei populated in the fragmentation of a 208Pb beam,
    Phys. Rev. C, 84 (2011) 044313;
  37. J. Swakoń, (P. Olko, D. Adamczyk, T. Cywicka-Jakiel, J. Dąbrowska, B. Dulny, L. Grzanka, K. Guguła, T. Horwacik, T. Kajdrowicz, B. Michalec, T. Nowak, M. Ptaszkiewicz, U. Sowa, L. Stolarczyk, J. Sulikowski, M.P.R. Waligórski) et al.,
    First proton eye cancer radiotherapy at IFJ PAN proton therapy facility,
    Abst. of Int. Conf. on Medical Physics and Engeneering on Physics and Engineering for health and wellness of society, Poznań, Poland, 21-24 september 2011, in: Pol. J. Med. Phys. Eng., 17 (Suppl. 1) 2011, p. 44;
  38. J. Swakoń, P. Olko, D. Adamczyk, T. Cywicka-Jakiel, J. Dąbrowska, B. Fent, L. Grzanka, T. Horwacik, T. Kajdrowicz, M. Korcyl, L. Malinowski, B. Michalec, T. Nowak, M. Ptaszkiewicz, U. Sowa, L. Stolarczyk, M.P.R. Waligórski,
    Proton beam radiotherapy in Krakow - facility,
    Book of Abstr. of Satellite Workshop 14th Int. Cong. of Radiation Research "Physical and biological basis of hadron radiotherapy, Kraków, Poland, 2-3 September 2011, 2011, p. 21;
  39. B. Szpak, (K.H. Maier, A.S. Smolkowska, B. Fornal, R. Broda, N. Cieplicka, W. Królas, T. Pawłat, J. Wrzesiński) et al.,
    Yrast structure of the two-proton- and three-neutron-hole nucleus 203Hg from the decay of a 53/2+ isomer,
    Phys. Rev. C, 83 (2011) 064315;
  40. S. V. Ilyushkin, (W. Królas) et al.,
    β-decay studies of the transitional nucleus 75Cu and the structure of 75Zn,
    Phys. Rev. C, 83 (2011) 014322;


Data utworzenia: 17/07/2013 @ 14:44
Ostatnie zmiany: 17/07/2013 @ 14:44
Kategoria : Publikacje
Strona czytana 16 razy


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