Thermoluminescent readers of ionizing radiation detectors

Risø TL/OSL-DA-20 reader

Technical Data

Manufacturer: Risø DTU National Laboratory
Modes of stimulation: thermal and optical
Thermal stimulation: up to 700°C with a heating rate from 0.1 to 10°C/s
Optical stimulation: LED diods (470 nm, ~ 80 mW/cm2 and 870 nm, ~ 145 mW/cm2)
Detection system: photomultiplier tube EMI 9235QB + optical fiters
Spectral sensitivity: 150 – 600 nm with a maximum at 200 and 350 nm
Sources of ionizing radiation: 90Sr/90Y (activity ~ 1.48 GBq, dose rate (KAIR) ~ 0.063 Gy/s)
241Am (activity ~ 10.7 MBq, fluence of alfa particles ~ 1.68 x 105 cząstek x s-1 x cm-2)
Possibility of measurements in an inert gas atmosphere


The reader is designed for measurements of thermally and optically stimulated luminescence spectra of luminescent materials.

Risø TL/OSL-DA-20 reader

Harshaw TLDTM model 3500

Technical Data

Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific
Modes of stimulation: thermal (up to 600°C with a heating rate from 1 to 25°C/s)
Detection system: photomultiplier tube ETE 9125B + optical filters
Spectral sensitivity: 270 – 600 nm with a maximum at 350 nm
Possibility of measurements in an inert gas atmosphere


The reader is designed for measurements of thermally stimulated luminescence spectra of luminescent materials.

Harshaw TLD model 3500

RA’94 reader (3 pieces)

Technical Data

Manufacturer: Mikrolab s.c.
Modes of stimulation: thermal (up to 600°C with a heating rate from 0.11 to 20°C/s)
Detection system: photomultiplier tube ETE 9789QB + optical filters
Spectral sensitivity: 150 – 650 nm with a maximum at 350 nm
Possibility of measurements in an inert gas atmosphere


The reader is designed for measurements of thermally stimulated luminescence spectra of luminescent materials.

RA’94 reader

Detailed specification of the readers can be found here:

HELIOS reader (3 pieces)

Technical Data

Modes of stimulation: optical (LED diods, 455 – 465 nm)
Detection system: photomultiplier tube + optical filters
Spectral sensitivity: depends on the model (UV or visible range)
Modes of measurements: CW-OSL (HELIOS-1), PL (HELIOS-2), TR-OSL (HELIOS-3)
Sources of ionizing radiation: mini X-rays generator


The reader is designed for measurements of optically stimulated luminescence spectra of luminescent materials in different modes of sample stimulation and data acquisition.

HELIOS reader

Devices location

Department of Radiation Physics and Dosimetry (NZ63)