Fast neutron generator 14 MeV IGN-14

Technical Data

Continuous regime: neutron yield: 5x108 n/s
ion current: ~50 µA (to 100 µA)
Pulsed regime: Neutron burst: duration: 25 to 1000 µs
(step 1)
repetition: 0.3 to 100 ms
(step 0.1)
neutron yield during the pulse: 5x109 n/s
Target: T/Ti, max. activity 200 GBq
H.F. ion source: 50 MHz
Pulsed extraction voltage: variable up to 4 kV
Accelerating voltage: max. 125 kV + 50 kV
Two measuring lines: 3He detectors
Monitors: BF3 detector in paraffin,Scintilation fast neutron probe
Thermostatic chamber for samples: (0 - 70) 0C


The neutron generator is used for research on the neutron transport physics, including determination of the neutron parameters of geological media and investigation of the thermal neutron scattering in hydrogeonous media (hydrogen bound in molecules). A dependence of the thermal neutron parameters of materials on temperature is investigated on the set-up with a thermostatic chamber.
The d (t,n) α reaction on the tritium target is used to test properties of diamond detectors, particularly for spectrometric measurements of the alpha particles.

Department in which the equipment is in use

Department of Radiation Transport Physics (NZ61)