Van de Graaff Accelerator

Technical Data

Model High Voltage Engineering, type KN-3000
Energy range: 2.5 MeV for protons and He+ ions, 5 MeV for α particles
Stability: 0.3%
Beam current: 2 - 100 μA (protons and He+)
Beam diameter: 1mm (FWHM)

Accelerator is equipped in three beam lines, dedicated to nuclear analytical methods like PIXE/PIGE and RBS/channeling.


Environmental studies, bio-medical research, material engineering.

Nuclear Microprobe

Technical Data

Home made, based on a HVEC KN-3000 type Van de Graaff accelerator with proton beam energy up to 2.5 MeV and energy stability of DE / E = 10-3. The focusing elements of the microprobe (two doublets of magnetic quadrupole lenses) were manufactured in the Micro Analytical Research Centre (MARC, Melbourne, Australia)
Energy of protons up to 2.5 MeV
Beam spot diameter: about 7 microns at beam current of 100 pA (sufficient for measurements using micro-PIXE or micro-RBS techniques), about 1 nA at beam spot of 10 microns
Measurement chamber characteristic: X-ray Si(Li) detector, particle detector, two PIN diode particle detectors for off-axis STIM technique, channeltron for secondary electrons detection, charge collection from sample and from the Faraday cup, CCD camera (side view using a tilt mirror) with 120x objective, sample holder for 4 samples plus callibration sample, variable attenuation filter


Environmental studies, bio-medical research, material engineering.

Department in which the equipment is in use

Department of Experimental Physics of Complex System (NZ52)