IFJ PAN rated as a Category A+ Scientific Unit

IFJ PAN has been classified into the scientific category A+ – a great success for our Institute.

On October 16, 2017 the Ministry of Science and Higher Education published the results of the complex quality assessment of the scientific and R&D activities of scientific units, carried out by the Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Research Institutions (KEJN).
The following aspects underwent the parametric evaluation: scientific and creative achievements, scientific potential, practical effects of scientific and artistic activity and other effects of scientific and artistic activity over the years 2013-2016. Furthermore, an additional expert evaluation was conducted in order to single out the units distinguishing themselves by the quality of their scientific research and development work, which constituted the basis for classifying such units into category A+.

The Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN was approved to be awarded the scientific category A+ in the field of natural and engineering sciences, granted by the Ministry. This is the second time the Institute has been awarded this highest scientific category in Poland.

More information and the list of all units can be found on the MNiSW webpage:

Congratulatory letter from prof. Jerzy Duszyński, President of the Polish Academy of Sciences

It was in 2013 that the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN was for the first time classified into the scientific category A+ in the field of natural and engineering sciences. This highest scientific category was awarded to 37 Polish scientific units (out of 962 evaluated units).

The research centers distinguished with the A+ category "are the elite, the flagships of Polish science in Poland and abroad" - said prof. Barbara Kudrycka, Minister of Science and Higher Education.

The categories were awarded following a thorough evaluation of the scientific and R&D activities of research facilities in the years 2009-2012, conducted by the Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Research Institutions (KEJN) based on the data from a survey of the scientific units covering this period.

List of scientific units and scientific categories granted in 2013