We invite students to carry out their diploma theses in our Department. Here are the proposed topics of work:
Topics of PhD dissertations
Study of the dynamics of the nuclear interaction in the 3-nucleon system
(supervisor: dr hab. Adam Kozela)
Formation and measurement of the neutron field for boron-neutron radiotherapy (BNCT)
(supervisor: dr hab. Krzysztof Pysz)
Production and decay of baryon resonances in proton-proton collisions at energies of 1.58 and 4.5 GeV using the HADES spectrometer
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
Production and decay of light mesons in proton-proton collisions at 4.5 GeV using the HADES spectrometer
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
Study of the electromagnetic structure of omega and eta mesons in Dalitz decays \(\omega \rightarrow \pi^0 e^+ e^-\) and \(\eta \rightarrow \gamma e^+ e^-\) using the HADES spectrometer and data pp@4.5 GeV
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
Topics of master degree theses
Positional and energy calibration of the neutron detector in the BINA@CCB experiment.
(supervisor: dr hab. Adam Kozela)
Construction and characteristics of the scintillation-boron neutron detector
(supervisor: dr hab. Krzysztof Pysz)
Construction and characteristics of the gas-boron neutron detector
(supervisor: dr hab. Krzysztof Pysz)
Preparation of a flexible program for data analysis and reduction using the ROOT package and nested data structures (TTree and TCloneArray)
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
The use of the kinematic fit procedure to improve the reconstruction of particle momentum in exclusive reactions of the type \(pp \rightarrow p+p+\eta \) , \(pp \rightarrow p+p+\omega \) in the HADES experiment
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
Investigation of Short Range Correlations (SRC) \(p- p \) in a carbon nucleus using intranuclear cascade simulations (INCL and INCL+SRC) for scattering \(\pi – C\) at momentum 1.7 GeV/ c
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
Investigation of strongly correlated \(p-p\) and \(p-n\) pairs in a carbon nucleus using the GCF (Generalized Contact Formalism) model for \(p-C\) scattering at 4.5 GeV
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
Simulations of the background reaction for the Dalitz decay of the \(\omega\) meson in the \(p+p \rightarrow p+p+\omega \) reaction on the \(\omega \rightarrow e^+ e^- \pi^0 \) and \(\omega \rightarrow \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0 \) at 4.5 GeV using the HADES spectrometer @GSI
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
Simulations of the background reaction for the Dalitz decay of the (\eta) meson in the reaction \(p+p \rightarrow p+p+\eta \) on the channel \(\eta \rightarrow \gamma e^+ e^- \) at energy 4.5 GeV using the HADES@GSI spectrometer
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
Simulations of the exclusive \(f_1(1285)\) resonance production in proton-proton collisions at 4.5 GeV using the HADES@GSI spectrometer
(supervisor: dr hab. Izabela Ciepał)
Topics of engineering works
Construction of a gas system for mixing clean gases for the multi-wire drift chamber
(supervisor: dr hab. Adam Kozela)
Adaptation of the computer oscilloscope for continuous data acquisition
(supervisor: dr hab. Krzysztof Pysz)
Simulation model of 14.1 MeV neutron moderator for epithermal energies
(supervisor: dr hab. Krzysztof Pysz)
Simulation model of the epithermal neutron collimator
(supervisor: dr hab. Krzysztof Pysz)